Thursday, March 12, 2009

Things to be thrilled about

  • just received this lens
  • scored several viewfinder cameras on ebay for under $10
  • rummage season is around the corner
  • some days, when the temperature is like over 35 I've been going for bike rides
  • my mom is heading out to visit my brother in California. She's been talking and dreaming about going for years. Surprisingly, my brother is a great tour guide.
  • I'm completely addicted to downloading podcasts from the Splendid Table and Car Talk. Good listening during my crazy 2 hour commutes.
  • I am inches from finishing a quilt to show and have loads of quilt bee blocks to share too

Some of my very best

Lots of my very best, most favorite ever, vintage fabrics went into these blocks for the Bushfire Quilt Project. I am so happy that Campfollower Bag Lady came up with this incredibly thoughtful way to help folks.

Bushfire Quilt Project

I started off thinking I would do one or two blocks, but it is one of those things. Once I got started I just couldn't stop.

Bushfire Quilt Project

Another wonderful thing about this project? I've never tried this block before. Weird huh? It is a pretty trad quilt block. Maybe that is why actually. Anyway, it has been on my to-try list for a while and this project was the kick in the butt.

Bushfire Quilt Project

Thursday, March 5, 2009



I'm waiting for spring, even though the storm the other day dumped another foot of snow on us. I am hopeful. I have my little viewfinder camera ready, my bike greased up, and dog by my side.