Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sick of Owls Yet?

Hope you all aren't completely sick of seeing me create owls and owls and owls. I made this pillow top using Moonstitches owls zakka style how to. Rather than putting mine on a string I sewed them onto an applique tree. Actually if you don't already frequent her blog, be sure to see the Tokyo Quilt Show photos that she has been posting. The quilts are just so amazing and it will really inspire you.


Looking back on what I had hoped I would accomplish in my little crafting world for the new year, I have been very on target. I went on such a quilt making spree at Christmas that I decided I should focus on smaller sewing projects in January. I figured I would accomplish more and learn to create different projects (I mainly quilt). In the end I have been trying new purses, making pillow covers and cutting pattern pieces for skirts. I have to say I am so ready to start a new quilt. I still have my mom's Christmas quilt as an UFO since I haven't quite figured out how to attach the two giant pieces I quilted into one.

On another note I love Domino magazine's Reader's Choice Contest photographs.

I really need to simplify and cull my collections.


Jen said...

Very cute use of those owls.

Melissa Goodsell said...

That's really adorable, you do beautiful work!

Kathi D said...

Never sick of your darling owls! I love that pooch planter, too.

the Campfollower said...

Great Owls...I gotta try too. Moonstitches is ultrafab!