Thursday, November 12, 2009

Waiting for the Weekend

I'm eagerly awaiting the weekend, even though I don't have the best of plans. I have a two day training to attend which makes it so that I can't thrift on Saturday morning. Bummer! Hopefully I'll still be able to sneak some stitching time in. I currently have four quilt tops ready to be finished. I just have to buy some batting and make the backs.

Little Nests

I've finally saved up enough yellow to make myself a quilt like the one that I made for my mom (my mom's quilt is below).


Here's my yellow stash:

Yellow Stack


shellysquilts said...

I love this quilt! Well done!

Amber said...

That quilt you made for you mom is gorgeous! Can't wait to see yours!

bettyninja said...

Thank you Shellysquilts and Amber! It took me forever to finish my mom's quilt because it was so large (queen), but hopefully my little full sized quilt won't take as long :)

Jennifer said...

How on earth do you complete such HUGE projects. Your quilts are amazing

Heather said...

It looks like you have some super sweet 70s yellow calicos. I love the 70s calicos!

Jodi Renshaw said...

I have the fabric on the top of you stash and am looking for a project for it. Love the quilt too!

Anonymous said...

Also stunning. They are inspiring. Thank you. I might head back for a bit more graphic in my next quilt!

Toby and Laura said...

Hi Betty! I found your site through the Common Threads quilting bee that you did last year. I'm trying to get a virtual bee started. Any chance you're interested in doing one again? You can contact me at

Michelle said...

Your yellow quilt is fantastic!

Amelia said...

hello, writing to you regarding alabama stitch book and studio style projects. i have started an 'alabama stitching' group over at as i would love to not only see what people are making but also be able to discuss/ask questions etc. i thought that you may be interested and was wondering if there was a way of letting other group members know?